what did the critics have to say?. .

...a smoking arrangment of the rocking gospel tune Operator, with Christiana Rodi, by far the best voice on the stage, making it all sound so easy.
Channing Gray
Providence, RI

Rodi, sassy but also sensitive, is perfect in the role, and she has the most impressive vocal range of the cast - especially in her first big number, 'My Strongest Suit'. But, she nails them all.
Sarah Chantal Parro
Boston Regional Reviews

...separately each sounds impeccable, especially the solo O Holy Night sung by the Queen of Ice, Christiana Rodi.
Samantha Nedoroscik
The Colonel Journal

Rodi particularly struck me as stealing the show and taking it home with her; she’s got pipes that stretch until next week.
Danielle Rosvally
The New England Theatre Geek

...local artists Christiana Rodi and Derek Capobianco singing totally ripping up Pink and Nate from Fun's Just Give Me A Reason.
15 Seconds of Fame - MIX104.1
Boston, MA

...with her wildly exaggerated (but very funny) narcissistic behavior, before heartbreak transforms her into a sympathetic three dimensional character.
Mike Hoban
The Boston Events Insider

Vocal perfection with rock pop sounds from Jamarice Daughtry and Christiana Rodi both!
Richard Cameron
Miracle Theatre Examiner

Christiana Rodi sings the latter duet with Ryan showing her gorgeous soprano voice...
Tony Annicone
The Theatre Mirror, New England

..the vocals led with joy and conviction by Albert Jennings and Christiana Rodi.
Bay Area Plays